Peru-Magneto Project

ThePeru-Magneto project is a research project conducted in collaboration with theQuakefinder subdivision of the American company Stellar Solutions (California,USA). It is dedicated to studying electromagnetic phenomena associated withseismic events.

The project's origins date backto 2007 when the idea of building a satellite containing a magnetometer, adevice capable of measuring variations in the magnetic field, was conceived tostudy these variations in orbit. This initiative was abandoned because a UScompany that attempted a similar experiment did not have much success. However,it gave rise to a similar project: placing magnetometers on land to try toidentify local magnetic field variations associated with seismic events.Through a collaborative agreement with the American company Quakefinder, asubdivision of Stellar Solutions (California, USA), nine magnetometers weredonated and installed in various strategic locations in Peru. Additionally,Telefónica del Perú donated one magnetometer.

The project involves the use ofmagnetometers that measure activity in the local magnetic field throughmagnetic sensors (coils) buried in the ground. The collected data are sent toINRAS for processing and analysis via the internet.

Furthermore, various complementarystudies are conducted as part of this research. These include continuous skymonitoring to detect pre-seismic luminosity (such as that observed 21 daysbefore the major earthquake in Callao on October 28, 1746) and co-seismicluminosity (such as that observed during the earthquake on August 15, 2007),recording of low-frequency radio waves and their association with seismicactivity, and monitoring of micro-crustal displacements through ahigh-precision GPS system.

This research has led to variousfindings and advances in the field of electromagnetic precursors ofearthquakes, including the reconstruction of the Benioff Zone in the northernpart of Lima, Peru, based on the collection of electromagnetic data.

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