
Visit of Astronaut Dr. Sian Proctor

On Tuesday, June 11, in collaboration with the United States Embassy, INRAS had the honor of welcoming Dr. Sian Proctor, a commercial astronaut and the first woman to pilot a commercial spacecraft on the historic Inspiration4 all-civilian orbital flight, which took place on September 15, 2021.

During her visit, Dr. Proctor toured our facilities and learned about the advancements in research projects related to Satellites, Radio Astronomy, Space Exploration, and Geosciences. The tour was guided by Eng. David Torres, a researcher at the Institute; Dr. Jorge Heraud, the founder of the Institute; and Dr. Andrés Melgar, Head of the Research Office at PUCP.

Later, Dr. Proctor delivered an inspiring talk in the Law Auditorium, sharing her space experiences with the entire PUCP community.

The visit was led by Eng. David Torres and Dr. Jorge Heraud.
Alongside the RT-8 Radiotelescope and the Rover.